
Opossum Trapping & Removal Company In Raleigh, NC
Throughout the greater Triangle area of Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill, there is a nighttime creature which can be damaging to area properties. When possums enter a property, these nocturnal marsupials can cause damage to various areas of your home.
These troublesome creatures are notorious for sneaking under houses, entering into low attics and wreaking havoc on your home’s insulation, vapor barriers, air conditioning units, and creating damaging entry holes. If you currently have a damaging possum situation at your home, you need a professional to take care of the issue.
Here at Southern Wildlife and Land Management, our experienced opossum removal services are second to none. Over the past 10 years of providing the highest quality possum control services to Raleigh and the surrounding Triangle area, we have developed the most effective methods of trapping possums and humanely releasing them. Catching problematic possums in a timely manner can be very effective in saving the integrity of one’s home and property.
Call the expert possum removal and control services of Southern Wildlife and Land Management today to regain the peace and quiet of your home!