Groundhog Removal & Trapping Company In Raleigh, NC
In the city of Raleigh along with the surrounding metros of Durham and Chapel Hill, there can be a rodent which causes quite a few problems for local homeowners. This rodent is the groundhog.
Groundhogs can be quite a nuisance and can create major damage in residential areas because of their digging and gnawing on nearby vegetation. These rodents oftentimes burrow underground, whether under commercial buildings or dwellings, and leave large holes and dirt scattered throughout the lawn. Concerning your property’s vegetation, they oftentimes can destroy shrubs and other vegetation by gnawing on stems and the bark of your vegetation. Groundhogs can also be a danger not only to your lawn, but also the local community as they can be carriers of rabies and tularemia.
If your property has recently experienced damage from these creatures or currently in need of a high quality and humane groundhog trapping and removal service, look no further. Southern Wildlife and Land Management will come and take care of any groundhog issue you’re experiencing. We will trap the groundhogs which are currently causing extensive damage to your lawn and safely relocate them to
Call the groundhog removal experts today to reclaim your home’s peace and quiet along with a flawless lawn.